Study on Social issues
Social issues in a society affect adversely its growth and peaceful existence by damaging the social and cultural relationships. There are plenty of social issues that country like India faces and the main social issues are gender discrimination, racism, female infanticide, inequality, communalism, child labour, child marriage, corruption, illiteracy, poverty, etc. There is no country in the world that does not face problem, especially social issues and India is not different. But we consider the planet as whole global warming; climate change, deforestation, terrorism, plastic explosion, population explosion and racism are considered as a few issues. India is a diverse country with people from various walks of life with different cultured backgrounds. India is a country with a number of states and union territories made up of people following 9 main religious and speaking more than 22 languages across the length and breadth of the country.
There are a number of causes of social problems like unemployment, poverty, rapid population growth, urbanization, lack of education, superstitious beliefs, gender discrimination, cast discrimination, lack of guidance to youngsters etc.
Solution of social problem is to be found in the problem itself. Social problems refer to any undesirable condition that is opposed either by the whole society or by a section of the society.
Society itself can solve social issues. These issues actually form a barrier to the progress of community and hence we should strive together to cease them. If we cannot unit against them, these issues will continue to grow and reach beyond our control. It can be solved only through mass awareness, consciousness, education, humanity and positive attitudes.