CENTRE FOR LAND AND SOCIAL STUDIES is a registered non-Governmental Organisation with its registered office at Trivandrum.

We are a passionate group of retired Government employees from the Land Revenue and Survey department pooled together to fulfill our social obligations and thus formulated this organization. About three fourth of the population of Kerala live in rural areas of which 70 per cent derive their livelihood wholly or partly from the land. A common man faces many issues in his land-related matters. The ownership of the land is frequently changed between the public and Government by virtue of transactions according to the extant laws and regulations.
Therefore compilation, maintenance and updating of land rights will continue to be very significant. The landowners are facing many problems during their utilization of land. Updating of records by resurveying is also important. The situation altogether influenced us to interfere in these areas as social obligations which actually resulted in setting up of this firm. Subsequently, more personnel with the same attitude and views joined us and thereby the organization became an association of professionals of all the fields of life such as Advocates, Engineers, Doctors, Technologists and Social Scientists etc.
Many social problems are being developed in the fast-growing society. The organization desires to utilize the experience of the retired along with the power of educated youth professionals in the areas of study on Social issues, land-related matters and prepare project reports, Conduct of Social Impact Assessment studies, Legal and technical assistance or advice in solving land-related issues, Identification of suitable and economically feasible land for projects and Conduct of land survey with modern equipment for various purposes.
The organization is registered under the Registration Act 1908, to work in a partnership manner.
The Directors are 1. Sri.Prathapan.N, Tahsildar (Rtd) 2. Sri.Manomohan.S, Tahsildar (Rtd) 3. Sri.Hareendranathan Nair.B, Deputy Collector (Rtd) The firm has undergone evolutionary processes to get matured as a professional Non-Governmental Organization. It consists of main personnel retired from Government departments like Land Revenue, Survey and Government Secretariat in addition to professionals of various disciplines. Professionals like Social Scientists, Advocates, Engineers, Doctors and Business Administers also discharge their service in technical matters wherever required. The talents 1 Smt.Susanna Simon, MSW, Social Scientist 2 Sri.Premachandran Nair.N, Deputy Secretary (Rtd) 3 Sri.Vijayakumar.K.B, Superintendent of Survey & Land Records (Rtd) 4 Sri.Agith kumar.R.G, Superintendent of Survey & Land Records (Rtd) 5 Smt.Surya Nair, Chemist 6 Sri.Ashin Alex, Civil Engineer 7 Sri.Reshmi Mohan, Bio process EngineerThe activity of the organization also includes research, consulting and training on the survey and social impulses. These activities are carried out across the development agencies, corporate sector, small business, Governmental and Non Governmental organizations.